Thursday, 13 April 2017

Part Seven: The letter

After going through the organisations, archives, libraries, records offices and the like - "official sources" and finding tiny snippets, it seemed that that I would now have to return to the "unofficial":

The descendants.

I already had their names and where they were born, but to actually make contact, meant I would need to find an address.

I thought that I would concentrate on an actual blood relative, specifically, of Chapman's sister's family.

As I mentioned before, Miss Chapman became Mrs Clarke, her daughter married Mr Engler. Interestingly, Mr Engler worked as an animal trainer and with Chapman Circus itself.

And I found descendants of this family.

Finding an address in the UK is made difficult, there are many websites that offer searches for people, some need paying for, others your searches are limited. Or both.

Nevertheless, I found a (free) website and I searched for a family member, that might be in a position to know.

Lo and behold, I found his address. I stared at it before writing it down, I took a few deep breaths. It was there, on the screen.
Finding the names themselves had been one thing, finding a proper (google maps worthy) address was another thing altogether.

I typed up a letter, I wasn't going to ask for much at all, tempting as it was, but I wanted to be cautious. I do not want to burn bridges in this search, being courteous and kind has been the best foot forward thus far.

I had looked up so much information, but as ever, in the back of the mind was the thought that this Mr Chapman may not even be my relative at all. That all these searches, emails might be pointless and not even in the right direction at all.

Yesterday I posted the letter. I hesitated on the actual posting, I held the letter half into the slot and wondered. And hoped, before pushing it in.
Later I thought, that this may go so many different ways. This letter may be ignored, they might claim ignorance, they might do both. If they do reply, it may be to say no, he was living with someone else that wasn't my great grandmother or, they may say yes.

I hope for the latter, but even if Mr Chapman is not my relative, I have enjoyed this hunt. An online hunt as it has been so far, but still. At least after a reply, then I can safely rule him out as a possibility. And try again.

There will be a part eight. That I know. I just don't know what it will be about.

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